For every truly useful and informative web site, there must be an equally trivial and frivolous one. This is the yin and yang of the internet universe. But just because a web site is devoted to bubble wrap doesn’t mean it is any less important than a page dedicated to ending world hunger, does it? Well, alright, it probably does. But it is this heterogeneity that gives the internet a vitality and uniqueness that is unparalleled in any other media. This column is dedicated to these mindlessly fun, sometimes intriguing web sites.
This Week’s Theme - Virtual Insanity
Virtual Bubblewrap -
Here’s a page dedicated to this particularly addictive activity. Pop one bubble at a time or go into “manic mode” for mega-popping action.
Take a Virtual Smoke Break -
For the smoker who doesn’t have time for a quick break or those simply craving a cigarette without all the harmful side effects, this is the next best thing.
A Day in the Life of a McDonald’s Employee -
The Simulator is a rather bleak look at the banality of the fast-food worker’s existence. Think “Choose Your Own Adventure” but without the adventure part.
The Virtual Stapler -
When you just can’t get enough of that fun stapling action, the Virtual Stapler allows you to choose from three different staplers to get your fix. The site also offers Stapler poetry (in limerick and haiku format) as well as a photo gallery.
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