For every truly useful and informative web site, there must be an equally trivial and frivolous one. This is the yin and yang of the internet universe. But just because a web site is devoted to bubble wrap doesn’t mean it is any less important than a page dedicated to ending world hunger, does it? Well, alright, it probably does. But it is this heterogeneity that gives the internet a vitality and uniqueness that is unparalleled in any other media. This column is dedicated to these mindlessly fun, sometimes intriguing web sites.
This week's theme: Disgruntled Workers of the World Unite!
Customers Suck! The Customer is Never Right -
A great venting site for any worker who has ever had contact with the general public, Customers Suck has lists of customers’ stupidest questions (“Do you take cash?”) and 67 pages of reasons why they actually suck.
Internet Squeegee Guy -
It’s a guy with a squeegee on the Information Superhighway - do you let him clean your monitor or tell him to get lost? A question that has plagued netizens since 1995...
Bitterwaitress -
The highlight of Bitterwaitress is its STD, i.e., shitty tippers database. Don’t worry if your name and embarrassingly small tip shows up on their list, there’s a special “submit an apology” feature as well.
Demotivators from -
For those who are eternally irritated by sappy and trite motivational posters, offers the more realistic Demotivator. Example - a pretty picture of french fries reminds us that “Not everyone gets to be an astronaut when they grow up.”
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