What two words best sum up the past 12 months for Star Wars collectors? Emotional rollercoaster.
After the release of Star Wars-Episode 1: The Phantom Menace - which disappointed as many fans as it delighted - Star Wars products were plentiful. Beyond plentiful. The unfortunate by-product? A lack of new figures, since retailers couldn’t find room amidst the teeming legions of Jar Jar Binks figures choking the nation’s narrow toy aisles.
Though nothing can take back those excessive Jar Jars, Hasbro assured fans at this August’s GenCon - the largest gaming convention of the year - that it’s rethinking its plan for Star Wars.
Here’s a rundown of what 2001 will hold for Star Wars toys.
How is the Power of the Jedi line different from the Power of the Force?
Including a mix of new and classic figures, POTJ will see a new and spiffy consolidated design on the packaging, whether it’s the prequel’s Lott Dodd or the original trilogy’s Lando Calrissian. The icon has been replaced by young Obi-Wan and his one-time apprentice Darth Vader, as they represent both sides of the Force and are perhaps the two most significant characters in the saga. And say goodbye to the much-maligned CommTech chips Instead, each figure will include a Jedi Force File - a small foldout brochure featuring lots of cool info on your fave characters.
What new figures will the POTJ line include? When can I get them?
The Episode 1 line will include Anakin’s mom, Shmi Skywalker as well as new versions of Boss Nass, Anakin and the ever-exasperating Jar Jar Binks. Also on tap for 2001 are several classic figures like a new Bespin Luke Skywalker - complete with bloodied face and that trademark tousled hair, a Bespin Darth Vader, General Leia Organa, tubby pilot Jek Porkins and Ben Kenobi. K-3PO and a new Biker Scout could possibly be made available around the holidays.
What’s up with Hasbro’s recent acquisition of Wizards of the Coast?
Look for Wizards of the Coast to release an exclusive figure of the young Wookiee Rorworr, a character from the upcoming roleplaying game. According to WotC representatives, the figure will be included with the starter level set of the Star Wars adventure roleplaying game due this November. This set, which includes basic rules and everything a gamer needs to get started, will retail for $14.95.
What’s the deal with the Target exclusive figures?
Target has already ordered 2000 skiffs with Luke Skywalker, which will be available on their website, target.com, beginning in October. The 12-inch speeder bikes will also be appearing in larger quantities this fall.
Tell me everything you can about the new 300th edition Boba Fett!
This figure won’t be carded, but will come in super-special display packaging. With articulated arms, Fett will have a cloth cape and possibly a missile-firing backpack. Although Boba will initially be released in limited quantities before Christmas, don’t go spending your savings bidding for everyone’s favorite bounty hunter on eBay just yet; Fett will be plentiful early next year.
What about R2-D2 with Holographic Princess Leia?
Hasbro is looking into ways to get more of this extremely rare figure out to the public, possibly through the Star Wars Fan Club.
How will the Episode II line be handled differently from the Episode 1 line?
Expect a far more conservative amount of Episode II figures, primarily because of the mountain of leftover Episode I stuff that prevented the release of new Star Wars merchandise. Expect the Episode II roll-out to begin with at least one “sneek peek” figure.
Can you please tell me who the Episode II sneak-peek figure will be? Please?
Hasbro’s keeping it under wraps, so keep guessing.
So when will the Episode II sneak-peek figure be available?
Look for the sneak-peek figure by late summer or early fall 2001, about 10 months before we’re graced with the presence of Episode II.
[photo coming soon]
Friday, December 1, 2000
Wednesday, November 1, 2000
Toyfare Magazine - X-Men Evolution cover story
This fall Kids WB! presents a mutant version of Saved by the Bell.
That's right, the X-Men return to animated form in X-Men: Evolution, featuring adolescent versions of your favorite mutants. Toy Biz will provide Evolution's new Triple Action X-Treme figures.
Close attention was paid to capture the look and attitude of the new animation, Toy Biz's Damon Nee revealed, while integrating fun actions and accessories. All the new X-toy fun will begin by January.
[Character Summaries:]
As the victim of a sinister, secret experiment, the regenerating mutant Logan found himself with adamantium-laced bones and retractable claws. After a stint in Canada's Department H, he took the code-name Wolverine and joined Professor X's crew.
Wolverine's archenemy, the furry, whiskered Victor Creed, shares many of Wolvie's mutant powers, including regeneration and deadly claws. A ruthless assassin, the gigantic Sabretooth has shown his ferocity by murdering not only his enemies, but his supposed allies as well.
Growing up on the Egyptian streets, the orphan Ororo Munroe eventually traveled to Africa, where she and her weather-manipulating abilities were worshipped. Leaving her days as a veritable goddess behind, she joined Professor X’s team as Storm.
The son of shape-shifting Mystique, Kurt Wagner was abandoned and raised in a circus. Professor X saved the blue-skinned mutant from an angry mob and recruited the former circus performer for the X-Men, honing his supernatural acrobatic and teleportation talents.
Scott Summers's mutant powers first manifested in the plane crash that killed his parents. With ruby quartz lenses that control his ability to emit energy blasts from his eyes and a clever code-name, Cyclops became the first X-Man.
Born as Mortimer Toynbee, this orphan was discovered by Magneto and became a loyal servant of the Brotherhood of Mutants, (founded after the period of X-Men: Evolution). The slime-spewing Toad's mutant powers include an amazing jumping abilities.
[Call Outs:]
KICK BUTT This Wolverine figure can kick butt - literally He’ll have a nifty kicking ability to keep them evil mutants in line.
FATHER FIGURE While most of X-Men: Evolution’s characters will be teenagers, Wolverine will be the gruff–but-protective mentor. Expect to see him in action against his arch-nemesis Sabretooth.
SNIKT What would a Wolverine figure be without those trademark retractable adamantium claws?
ART BOY The art of Alan Davis inspired Wolverine's latest brown costume design for both the action figure and X-Men: Evolution.
SLICE N’ DICE Wolverine comes with a Danger Room accessory featuring multi-articulated attack arms and projectiles.
DOUBLE TROUBLE Two levers on Sabretooth's back will unleash the evil mutant within, as each launches a different attack.
TOSS ACROSS The first lever will throw a canister that explodes on impact. The contents will cover any of Sabretooth's enemies in a toxic goo.
LEG MAN Sabretooth's other lever will let him kick any X-Man who gets in his way.
DROP OUT While Sabretooth won’t be a student at Xavier Institute, he’ll show up in his usual role as Wolverine's nemesis.
BACK UP As if the exploding goo and kicking action aren't enough, when the levers are held down simultaneously, Sabretooth can hold his enemy over his head, swing him down, and knee him in the back.
FLY GIRL Storm will be able to fly ... almost, thanks to an articulated cape that supports her in mid-air.
GET WET Create your own, er, storm using bellows in Storm's back that will let her shoot water out of the right arm.
SEEING SPARKS Storm's base launches lightning projectiles as it telescopes up. And nothing says cool toy quite like lightning projectiles.
EXTRA HELP Storm will teach at the Xavier Institute high school, where her nephew Spike (a character based on the comic character Marrow) is a student.
COTTONY SOFT Storm comes packaged with a cloud base to represent her weather-controlling abilities.
SHAPE UP Like Wolverine and Cyclops, Nightcrawler also has a Danger Room training accessory with acrobatic training equipment.
MAMA KIN His mother Mystique will be the Machiavellian principal, secretly influencing students to her evil mutant ways.
CIRCUS FREAK Nightcrawler can also be clipped onto a variety of articulated practice poles packaged with the former circus acrobat.
IN THE END For those lazy days at Professor X's academy, a fully poseable tail will let Nightcrawler literally hang out around the Danger Room.
CLOTHES CALL Cyclops has undergone numerous costume changes through the years - this one borrows elements from his recent comic incarnation.
LITE BRITE The new Cyclops figure doesn’t emit actual energy beams, but it does the next best thing - it lights up as his specially-pivoted hand touches his visor.
OXYCUTE ‘EM Expect to see a young Cyclops in X-Men: Evolution dealing not only with those pesky mutant powers, but also the dilemmas of everyday teenage life.
SHOOT OUT More flying projectiles Cyclops's Danger Room blast cannon launches missiles as it rotates.
KICK BACK Cyclops is also equipped with kicking action, allowing him to spar with both Wolverine and Sabretooth.
DOOR MAN The school locker packaged with Toad actually spits out ooze when he stomps on top of it, thanks to cool spring-loaded locker doors.
SCHOOL’S IN If kicking his fellow Xavier Institute students isn't enough fun for you, Toad can also perform a cool back flip onto your figure of choice.
THE IN CROWD Toad will be a student at Xavier Institute along with Blob, Avalanche, Quicksilver, Kitty Pryde and others.
JUMP AROUND Toad and pals will start class at Xavier Institute on Kids WB Saturday mornings beginning this November.
Contributing writer Christina Brzustoski' still waiting for her mutant powers to develop.

That's right, the X-Men return to animated form in X-Men: Evolution, featuring adolescent versions of your favorite mutants. Toy Biz will provide Evolution's new Triple Action X-Treme figures.
Close attention was paid to capture the look and attitude of the new animation, Toy Biz's Damon Nee revealed, while integrating fun actions and accessories. All the new X-toy fun will begin by January.
[Character Summaries:]
As the victim of a sinister, secret experiment, the regenerating mutant Logan found himself with adamantium-laced bones and retractable claws. After a stint in Canada's Department H, he took the code-name Wolverine and joined Professor X's crew.
Wolverine's archenemy, the furry, whiskered Victor Creed, shares many of Wolvie's mutant powers, including regeneration and deadly claws. A ruthless assassin, the gigantic Sabretooth has shown his ferocity by murdering not only his enemies, but his supposed allies as well.
Growing up on the Egyptian streets, the orphan Ororo Munroe eventually traveled to Africa, where she and her weather-manipulating abilities were worshipped. Leaving her days as a veritable goddess behind, she joined Professor X’s team as Storm.
The son of shape-shifting Mystique, Kurt Wagner was abandoned and raised in a circus. Professor X saved the blue-skinned mutant from an angry mob and recruited the former circus performer for the X-Men, honing his supernatural acrobatic and teleportation talents.
Scott Summers's mutant powers first manifested in the plane crash that killed his parents. With ruby quartz lenses that control his ability to emit energy blasts from his eyes and a clever code-name, Cyclops became the first X-Man.
Born as Mortimer Toynbee, this orphan was discovered by Magneto and became a loyal servant of the Brotherhood of Mutants, (founded after the period of X-Men: Evolution). The slime-spewing Toad's mutant powers include an amazing jumping abilities.
[Call Outs:]
KICK BUTT This Wolverine figure can kick butt - literally He’ll have a nifty kicking ability to keep them evil mutants in line.
FATHER FIGURE While most of X-Men: Evolution’s characters will be teenagers, Wolverine will be the gruff–but-protective mentor. Expect to see him in action against his arch-nemesis Sabretooth.
SNIKT What would a Wolverine figure be without those trademark retractable adamantium claws?
ART BOY The art of Alan Davis inspired Wolverine's latest brown costume design for both the action figure and X-Men: Evolution.
SLICE N’ DICE Wolverine comes with a Danger Room accessory featuring multi-articulated attack arms and projectiles.
DOUBLE TROUBLE Two levers on Sabretooth's back will unleash the evil mutant within, as each launches a different attack.
TOSS ACROSS The first lever will throw a canister that explodes on impact. The contents will cover any of Sabretooth's enemies in a toxic goo.
LEG MAN Sabretooth's other lever will let him kick any X-Man who gets in his way.
DROP OUT While Sabretooth won’t be a student at Xavier Institute, he’ll show up in his usual role as Wolverine's nemesis.
BACK UP As if the exploding goo and kicking action aren't enough, when the levers are held down simultaneously, Sabretooth can hold his enemy over his head, swing him down, and knee him in the back.
FLY GIRL Storm will be able to fly ... almost, thanks to an articulated cape that supports her in mid-air.
GET WET Create your own, er, storm using bellows in Storm's back that will let her shoot water out of the right arm.
SEEING SPARKS Storm's base launches lightning projectiles as it telescopes up. And nothing says cool toy quite like lightning projectiles.
EXTRA HELP Storm will teach at the Xavier Institute high school, where her nephew Spike (a character based on the comic character Marrow) is a student.
COTTONY SOFT Storm comes packaged with a cloud base to represent her weather-controlling abilities.
SHAPE UP Like Wolverine and Cyclops, Nightcrawler also has a Danger Room training accessory with acrobatic training equipment.
MAMA KIN His mother Mystique will be the Machiavellian principal, secretly influencing students to her evil mutant ways.
CIRCUS FREAK Nightcrawler can also be clipped onto a variety of articulated practice poles packaged with the former circus acrobat.
IN THE END For those lazy days at Professor X's academy, a fully poseable tail will let Nightcrawler literally hang out around the Danger Room.
CLOTHES CALL Cyclops has undergone numerous costume changes through the years - this one borrows elements from his recent comic incarnation.
LITE BRITE The new Cyclops figure doesn’t emit actual energy beams, but it does the next best thing - it lights up as his specially-pivoted hand touches his visor.
OXYCUTE ‘EM Expect to see a young Cyclops in X-Men: Evolution dealing not only with those pesky mutant powers, but also the dilemmas of everyday teenage life.
SHOOT OUT More flying projectiles Cyclops's Danger Room blast cannon launches missiles as it rotates.
KICK BACK Cyclops is also equipped with kicking action, allowing him to spar with both Wolverine and Sabretooth.
DOOR MAN The school locker packaged with Toad actually spits out ooze when he stomps on top of it, thanks to cool spring-loaded locker doors.
SCHOOL’S IN If kicking his fellow Xavier Institute students isn't enough fun for you, Toad can also perform a cool back flip onto your figure of choice.
THE IN CROWD Toad will be a student at Xavier Institute along with Blob, Avalanche, Quicksilver, Kitty Pryde and others.
JUMP AROUND Toad and pals will start class at Xavier Institute on Kids WB Saturday mornings beginning this November.
Contributing writer Christina Brzustoski' still waiting for her mutant powers to develop.
Toyfare Magazine - Along Came a Spider
After months of frenzied speculation that placed everyone from the Oscar-nominated Brit Jude Law to Wing Commander actor and Buffy’s beau Freddie Prinze, Jr. in the coveted blue-and-red suit, movie producers have finally found their Spider-Man in newcomer Tobey Maguire. But loyal Spider-Man fans won’t have to wait until the film opens for new Spidey toys.
Toy Biz is set to release four figures with the new Classic Spider-Man line. While creating some buzz for the movie seems the likely cause for some new merchandise, Toy Biz insisted it wasn’t the sole reason.
“We haven’t done any new Spider-Man products in a couple years specifically aimed at kids and collectors,” revealed Toy Biz’s Jesse Falcon. Plans for an Ultimate Spider-Man line were shelved in favor of the Classic line.
“We never even designed anything for [Ultimate Spider-Man],” Falcon confirmed. Toy Biz will release a second Classic Spider-Man assortment in lieu of Ultimate Spidey next March.
Rather than create some new toy loaded with lots of nifty gadgets and accessories, Classic Spider-Man focuses more on the actual figures. Each new 6-inch figure has a whopping thirty points of articulation - unprecedented for a North American toy - and will be packaged with its own comic book that tells an important story related to that specific character.
The figures in the new line include Classic Spider-Man in the red-and-blue duds, another Spidey in black (both sculpted by Steve Kiwus), Man-Spider and Venom (by Phil Ramirez). Each figure will also be packaged with a base that can be hooked onto the wall with the figure, to re-create Spidey’s own wall-climbing ability.
So while the Spider-Man movie is still a year away, the new figures should alleviate some of the pain of that long wait when they hit stores at the year’s end.
Toy Biz is set to release four figures with the new Classic Spider-Man line. While creating some buzz for the movie seems the likely cause for some new merchandise, Toy Biz insisted it wasn’t the sole reason.
“We haven’t done any new Spider-Man products in a couple years specifically aimed at kids and collectors,” revealed Toy Biz’s Jesse Falcon. Plans for an Ultimate Spider-Man line were shelved in favor of the Classic line.
“We never even designed anything for [Ultimate Spider-Man],” Falcon confirmed. Toy Biz will release a second Classic Spider-Man assortment in lieu of Ultimate Spidey next March.
Rather than create some new toy loaded with lots of nifty gadgets and accessories, Classic Spider-Man focuses more on the actual figures. Each new 6-inch figure has a whopping thirty points of articulation - unprecedented for a North American toy - and will be packaged with its own comic book that tells an important story related to that specific character.
The figures in the new line include Classic Spider-Man in the red-and-blue duds, another Spidey in black (both sculpted by Steve Kiwus), Man-Spider and Venom (by Phil Ramirez). Each figure will also be packaged with a base that can be hooked onto the wall with the figure, to re-create Spidey’s own wall-climbing ability.
So while the Spider-Man movie is still a year away, the new figures should alleviate some of the pain of that long wait when they hit stores at the year’s end.
Sunday, October 1, 2000
Toyfare Magazine - Star Wars Conspiracy
The Star Wars toy line is getting a new addition - and this time, the fans made the choice.
Hasbro’s first ever online Fan’s Choice poll began with the innocence of a Tatooine farmboy. “We wanted to give our collectors the power and the opportunity to choose our next figure,” said Andy Espenshade, Hasbro’s Senior Brand Manager. “Fans have been participating in similar hypothetical polls for years, so we wanted to make one that would count for real.” Choices included Amanaman from Jabba’s Palace, Mos Eisley Cantina patrons Duros and Bom Vimdim, Jedi Council member Eeth Koth and podracer Teemto Pagalies. Amanaman’s fervent fans were the most enthusiastic voters, according to Hasbro, yet Duros ultimately triumphed. Was the Force merely strong with Duros, or had something more nefarious occurred?
Fan site Rebelscum.com was the first to suggest a possible hack, after Webmasters noticed the poll had logged some 30,000 new votes in one night. “[A source at Hasbro] did say the poll had been hacked a number of times,” said Rebelscum’s Philip Wise, “and the question was, ‘If they’re hacking in for Duros, why aren’t other people hacking in for Amanaman?’” But even after any tampering with the poll (Espenshade maintains that excessive multiple votes were disregarded), Duros remained the true Fan’s Choice. “After talking to many collectors, we learned that people were voting for Duros because they felt that this was their only chance to get him made into a figure,” said Espenshade. “They were fairly confident that Amanaman would eventually b released, and were willing to wait.” Wise concurred, saying fans are confident that “no matter what any poll says, Amanaman will get made.”
While there’s currently no telling how long fans will have to wait to add Amanaman to their collections, the new Duros figure will be packaged with Jedi Force Files, a replacement for the COMMTech chips. Duros will start shipping in June 2001, with regular updates about his production at starwars.hasbro.com.
Friday, September 1, 2000
Toyfare Magazine - Buffy's Back!
For all the Buffy the Vampire Slayer diehards facing an unbearably long summer of Buffy reruns, take heart. The Hellmouth is set to open again this fall, with not only with brand-spankin' new episodes but also a slew of new Buffy toys from Moore Action Collectibles – in addition to the usual array of ancient vampires, mummy girls and vengeance demons.
The release of Buffy's watcher Rupert Giles and the lovably sardonic loser Xander Harris will round out the original Scooby Gang. And Buffy's Sunnydale High crew wouldn't be complete without snobby rich girl Cordelia Chase and Willow's guitarist/werewolf ex-boyfriend Daniel Oz Osbourne. Accessories for each are still being ironed out, but expect the typical axes-and-stakes weaponry. No weapon too simple or too elegant, Moore Creations Project Manager Aaron Ethridge confirmed. Moore Creations also has at least two variant figures planned - Cheerleader Cordelia and Werewolf Oz - but other possible variants remain clouded in Hellmouthy darkness.
But where is the eponymous Vampire Slayer herself? Some reports have had Buffy mysteriously AWOL from the second wave of figures. Rumors, schmumors according to Ethridge, Of course there will be a Buffy in the next Buffy the Vampire Slayer [toy line].
And what about Wave 3 of the Buffy toys? With the gang completed, what characters are left? Everyone’s favorite vampire couple Spike and Drusilla? The delightfully evil Sunnydale Mayor? Or maybe Faith, the Vampire Slayer seduced by the Dark Side of the Force? If we told you, we'd have to stake you, Ethridge responded. Fair enough. Expect the wait for Buffy Wave Two to come to an end this fall.

The release of Buffy's watcher Rupert Giles and the lovably sardonic loser Xander Harris will round out the original Scooby Gang. And Buffy's Sunnydale High crew wouldn't be complete without snobby rich girl Cordelia Chase and Willow's guitarist/werewolf ex-boyfriend Daniel Oz Osbourne. Accessories for each are still being ironed out, but expect the typical axes-and-stakes weaponry. No weapon too simple or too elegant, Moore Creations Project Manager Aaron Ethridge confirmed. Moore Creations also has at least two variant figures planned - Cheerleader Cordelia and Werewolf Oz - but other possible variants remain clouded in Hellmouthy darkness.
But where is the eponymous Vampire Slayer herself? Some reports have had Buffy mysteriously AWOL from the second wave of figures. Rumors, schmumors according to Ethridge, Of course there will be a Buffy in the next Buffy the Vampire Slayer [toy line].
And what about Wave 3 of the Buffy toys? With the gang completed, what characters are left? Everyone’s favorite vampire couple Spike and Drusilla? The delightfully evil Sunnydale Mayor? Or maybe Faith, the Vampire Slayer seduced by the Dark Side of the Force? If we told you, we'd have to stake you, Ethridge responded. Fair enough. Expect the wait for Buffy Wave Two to come to an end this fall.
Tuesday, August 1, 2000
Toyfare Magazine - Bone Toys Return
Those stupid, stupid Rat Creatures are on the attack again - only this time from their new home at Cartoon Toys.
Based on Bone, the popular Jeff Smith comic book, this new line of toys is actually a direct continuation of the original Bone action figures released by ReSaurus. “We’re going to continue with the same scale of toys that exist now and complete the set of the Bone cousins and do some new stuff,” said Steve Hamaker, who joined Cartoon Toys after designing the old figures at ReSaurus. After the license with ReSaurus expired last year, Cartoon Books decided to make the toys themselves.
The new figures, also designed by Hamaker, will include scheming cousin Phoney Bone, mysterious villain the Hooded One, the evil Kingdok (a 10 ½-inch boxed figure) and the woman who can outrun any cow in the Valley, Gran’ma Ben. Gran’ma Ben will be packaged with Smiley’s cow suit, which will actually fit on the previously released Bone cousin. So now you can stage your very own Great Cow Race right in your own home... what more could a Bone fan ask for, except even more toys?
Well, you can expect the new Cartoon Toys line to continue into the new millennium with plenty of variant and exclusive figures (still to be decided) and an animated Bone movie on the way in 2002. The first wave of the new Bone figures, still in the sculpting process, should be wandering into stores this November.

Based on Bone, the popular Jeff Smith comic book, this new line of toys is actually a direct continuation of the original Bone action figures released by ReSaurus. “We’re going to continue with the same scale of toys that exist now and complete the set of the Bone cousins and do some new stuff,” said Steve Hamaker, who joined Cartoon Toys after designing the old figures at ReSaurus. After the license with ReSaurus expired last year, Cartoon Books decided to make the toys themselves.
The new figures, also designed by Hamaker, will include scheming cousin Phoney Bone, mysterious villain the Hooded One, the evil Kingdok (a 10 ½-inch boxed figure) and the woman who can outrun any cow in the Valley, Gran’ma Ben. Gran’ma Ben will be packaged with Smiley’s cow suit, which will actually fit on the previously released Bone cousin. So now you can stage your very own Great Cow Race right in your own home... what more could a Bone fan ask for, except even more toys?
Well, you can expect the new Cartoon Toys line to continue into the new millennium with plenty of variant and exclusive figures (still to be decided) and an animated Bone movie on the way in 2002. The first wave of the new Bone figures, still in the sculpting process, should be wandering into stores this November.
Friday, May 12, 2000
The 11th Hour
My articles from the awesome but sadly gone web site, The 11th Hour, published in 2000.

TV Review: The X-Files, "Fight Club"
Feature Article: When Good Fantasy Goes Bad
TV Review: The X-Files, "Fight Club"
Feature Article: When Good Fantasy Goes Bad
Monday, May 1, 2000
University Work - The Oriental Influences on Early and Medieval Russian Culture
This paper won the Drs. Stanley and Evelyn Lipkin Prize for Humanities at Sarah Lawrence College in 2000. I currently have a copy only in pdf form, but am hoping to post it here soon.
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